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(Prototype for the QRCVDTAQ API)
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An RPG fully free-form alternative:
An RPG/LE fully free-form alternative:

Revision as of 16:46, 7 December 2018


Receives an entry from a Data Queue.

For more information on this API, visit Receive Data Queue (QRCVDTAQ) API (right-click to open link in a new tab).

Prototype for the QRCVDTAQ API

DQRCVDTAQ         PR                  EXTPGM('QRCVDTAQ')        
D prDQName                      10A   const                     
D prDQLibr                      10A   const                     
D prDQLen                        5P 0                           
D prDQData                   32767A   options(*varsize)         
D prDQWait                       5P 0 const                     

An RPG/LE fully free-form alternative:

// IBM API to Receive an entry from a Data Queue
// https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_ibm_i_72/apis/qrcvdtaq.htm
dcl-pr IBMAPI_RecvFromDtaQ   extpgm('QRCVDTAQ');
  DtaQName              char(10)    const;
  DtaQLib               char(10)    const;
  DtaQBufLen            packed(5:0);
  DtaQBuffer            char(65535)         options(*varsize);
  DtaQWait              packed(5:0) const;
// optional parm group 1
  DtaQKeyOrd            char(2)     const   options(*nopass);
  DtaQKeyLen            packed(3:0) const   options(*nopass);
  DtaQKeyData           char(256)   const   options(*nopass:*varsize);
  DtaQSndLen            packed(3:0) const   options(*nopass);
  DtaQSndInf            char(44)    const   options(*nopass:*varsize);
// optional parm group 2
  DtaQRemove            char(10)    const   options(*nopass);
  DtaQBsize             packed(5:0) const   options(*nopass);
  DtaQErrC              likeds(ApiErrC)     options(*nopass:*varsize);
