Free Form Calcs

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One of the major new features of RPG 4, introduced in V5R1, is free form calculation specifications.


  • Removes the column restrictions on calculations.
  • Can be interspersed with standard, fixed form, calcs


Using free form calculations is quite easy.

  • To start a section of free form calculations, simply put '/free' starting in column 7.
  • On the next line start your free form calculations.
  • Each line must end with a semi-colon ";".
  • Calculations can span multiple lines.
  • End the free form calculation area by putting '/end-free' starting in column 7 on the last line.



C                   if        PCFRS = '*ALL'                
C                   eval      #CFRSF = *BLANK               
C                   eval      #CFRSH = *BLANK               
C                   else                                    
C                   eval      #CFRSF = i_CF_Const(PCFRS)    
C                   eval      #CFRSH = #CFRSF               
C                   endif                                   
  if (pMOLS = '*ALL');                                      
    eval #MOLSF = *blank;                                   
    eval #MOLSH = *blank;                                   
    eval #MOLSF = pMOLS;                                    
    eval #MOLSH = pMOLS;                                    
C     C#RTNS        IFNE      '*EXITPGM'               
C     C#RTNS        ANDNE     '*RETURN'