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WDSC LPEX - Tips for using the LPEX editor
Keyboard shortcuts
— or —
In the LPEX command line type "?action", "?query", "?lpex" or "?seu" (in the full version of WDSC) and you are taken to the appropriate help page. Note on WDSC Lite V6 typing "?seu" brought up nothing.
A good font to use on some displays is the ProggyClean fonts. Located at | Proggy Progamming Fonts Download Area
Remap keyboard shortcuts
LPEX command line
Search for the action of a keyboard shortcut.
- Goto into the command line by pressing Esc (if not already there).
- key (without quotes) "query keyAction.X-Y" where X is the keyboard shortcut in the form of a=Alt,c=Ctl or s=Shift and Y is any keyboard key.
- Example, "query keyAction.f4" reports back in default situations "showSourcePromptView".
Search for the keyboard shortcut of an action.
- Goto into the command line by pressing Esc (if not already there).
- key (without quotes) "query actionKey.ACTION" where ACTION is the LPEX editor action.
- Example, "query keyAction.showSourcePromptView" reports back in default situations "f4.t".
In the LPEX command line type "?action", "?query", "?lpex" or "?seu" (in the full version of WDSC) and you are taken to the appropriate help page. Note on WDSC Lite V6 typing "?seu" brought up nothing.