WDSC tips/Find
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[hide]Scan for a date when source lines were changed (like F14 in SEU)
original post [1]
- You could issue the "locate sequenceText" command (in the command line at the case of the RSE editor or press ESC to enable command line), then invoke it repeatedly from the LPEX command line (UP arrow key, Enter).
- example locate sequenceText 071201 to 071231
- You can filter by date. Right-click in the source and you can filter by date. ref [2]
Locate is an Editor command.
There is more find info at WDSC Find Tips
Find Tips
original post [3]
Check Command line find
Check WDSC Find Tips
Check Searching for text
- Click Help,
- Click Help contents
- Search on 'Regular Expression Grammar',
- click on 'Regular Expression Grammar to see ALL the codes.
- This is very useful when you tick the 'Regular Expression' check box in the LPEX Editor EDIT,Find/Replace.
eg. To find all lines that have BEGSR or EXSR or ENDSR type BEGSR|ENDSR|EXSR into the find box , make sure the 'Regular Expression' checkbox is ticked then click on ALL. You will see the calling structure of the subroutines. (This does not work with procedure calls)
Find Field usage (for SQL where OUTLINE doesnt work)
original post [4]
- To see where a field is used,
- double click (select) the field name,
- then right click, Selected->Filter Selected.
- If you're command-line oriented, you can do the same thing with 'findText all field_name'
- Ctrl-W to go back to the normal view or 'expandAll on command-line