Open List of Job Log Messages (QGYOLJBL)
From MidrangeWiki
The following is an RPG/LE fully free-form prototype for the IBM QGYOLJBL API to open a list of joblog messages for a specified job. See the QGYGTLE — Get List Entries and QGYCLST — Close List APIs, also.
Prototype for the QGYOLJBL API
//****************************************************************************** // IBM API to Open a List of Job Log Messages // //****************************************************************************** /include qsysinc/qrpglesrc,qgyoljbl // QGYOLJBL API data structures dcl-pr IBMAPI_ListJobLogMessages extpgm('QGYOLJBL'); JobLogRcvr likeds(QGYORV) options(*varsize); JobLogRLen int(10) const; JobLogLstI likeds(QGYOLI) options(*varsize); JobLogMCnt int(10) const; JobLogMSel likeds(QGYOMSI) options(*varsize); JobLogMSLn int(10) const; JobLogErrC likeds(ApiErrC) options(*varsize); end-pr;