UIM Display Help (QUHDSPH)

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The following is an RPG/LE fully free-form prototype for the IBM QUHDSPH API to use the UIM to display a help panel. The help panel is an overlay to either a DDS DSPF or a UIM application panel. A data structure template is also included for the help id array parameter.

Prototype for the QUHDSPH API

// IBM Display Help API
// https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_ibm_i_72/apis/quhdsph.htm
dcl-pr IBMUIM_DisplayHelp         extpgm('QUHDSPH');
  DhHlpIdAry            likeds(IBMUIM_HelpIdEntry)
                                  dim(2000) options(*varsize);
  DhHlpIdCnt            int(10)   const;
  DhHlpType             int(10)   dim(2);
  DhDspTtl              char(55)  const;
  DhSrchIdx             char(20)  const;
  DhDspType             char(1)   const;
  DhUlCorner            int(10)   dim(2);
  DhLrCorner            int(10)   dim(2);
  DhCsrLoc              int(10)   dim(2);
  DhErrCode             likeds(ApiErrC)     options(*varsize);
//optional parm group
  DhBkShelf             char(8)   const     options(*nopass);
  DhBdAttrb             char(1)   dim(2)    const options(*nopass);
  DhBdChars             char(1)   dim(8)    const options(*nopass);

dcl-ds IBMUIM_HelpIdEntry qualified template;
  PanelGroup            char(20);
    PnlGrpNme           char(10)  overlay(PanelGroup);
    PnlGrpLib           char(10)  overlay(PanelGroup:*next);
  HelpModule            char(32);
