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[hide]Introduction To SEU
SEU or Source Entry Utility is included as part of OS400, is inside of PDM, and also was the main editor for S/36 SSP.
SEU Commands
SEU contains User Exits (or commands) which can be used to assist with code editing. To utilize these exits you can typeover the source sequence numbers & press Enter. Below is a "work-in-progress" list of some of the SEU Commands.
Source Editing Prompt - IPxxxx
General Help | |
Command | Function |
IP? | Provides a list of all available editing prompts within SEU. |
RPG/400 and RPG/ILE Prompt Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPH | Provides a prompt for keying Header Specification |
IPF | Provides a prompt for keying File Specification |
IPFX | Provides a prompt for keying File Continuation |
IPI | Provides a prompt for keying Record Identification Specification |
IPIX | Provides a prompt for keying Record Identification Continuation |
IPJ | Provides a prompt for keying Input Field Definition |
IPJX | Provides a prompt for keying Input Field Definition Continuation |
IPD | Provides a prompt for keying Definition Specification |
IPDX | Provides a prompt for keying Definition Extended Specification |
IPC | Provides a prompt for keying Calculation Specification |
IPCX | Provides a prompt for keying Extended Calculation |
IPOD | Provides a prompt for keying Output Disk File Specification |
IPO | Provides a prompt for keying Output File Specification |
IPP | Provides a prompt for keying Output File Detail Specification |
IPPR | Provides a prompt for keying Procedure Specification |
IPPX | Provides a prompt for keying Procedure Extended |
IP* | Provides a prompt for keying Comments |
IP** | Provides a prompt for keying Compile Time Table Entries |
Cobol & Cobol/ILE Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPCB | Provides a prompt for keying Cobol Statement |
IPC* | Provides a prompt for keying Comments |
Reformat & Sort Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPRH | Provides a prompt for keying Reformat Header |
IPRR | Provides a prompt for keying Reformat Record Type |
IPRF | Provides a prompt for keying Reformat Field Definition |
IPRC | Provides a prompt for keying Reformat Constant |
DDS Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPPF | Provides a prompt for keying Physical File Definitions |
IPLF | Provides a prompt for keying Logical File Definitions |
Menu Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPMS | Provides a prompt for keying Display Control Specifications |
IPMH | Provides a prompt for keying Help Definition Specifications |
IPMD | Provides a prompt for keying Field Definitions Specifications |
IPMC | Provides a prompt for keying Field Definitions Continuation Specifications |
Fortran Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPFT | Provides a prompt for keying Fortran Statements |
IPF* | Provides a prompt for keying Fortran Comments |
Other Commands/Syntax | |
Command | Function |
IPNC | Provides a prompt for keying with no syntax checking |
IP** | Provides a prompt for keying free format |
SEU Inline Editing
- A - Place code sample After the line of code selected
- An - Place code sample After the line of code selected for number of lines
- B - Place code sample Before the line of code selected
- Bn - Place code sample Before the line of code selected for number of lines
- C - Copy line of code
- Cn - Copy number of lines
- CC - Block copy (Put CC at first & last line of code block to copy)
- D - Delete line of code
- Dn - Delete number of lines
- DD - Block Delete (Put DD at first & last line of code block to delete)
- I - Insert line
- In - Insert number of lines
- M - Move line of code
- Mn - Move number of lines
- MM - Block move (Put MM at first & last line of code block to move)
- O - Overlay line of code
- On - Overlay number of lines
- OO - Block overlay (Put OO at first & last line of code block to overlay)
- RP - Repeat line of code
- RPn - Repeat number of lines
- RPP - Block repeat (Put RPP at first & last line of code block to repeat)
- X - Exclude line of code
- Xn - Exclude number of lines
- XX - Block Exclude (Put XX at first & last line of code block to exclude)
SEU Command Line
- FIND or F - find string in source member
- SAVE - save current source member
- HIDE - hide lines containing a string (i.e. HIDE 'C*' will hide all source lines containing the string C*)
- TOP or T - Position to top of source member
- BOTTOM or B - Position to bottom of source member