From MidrangeWiki
WDSC, an acronym for Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries, is a robust, windows-based, integrated development environment oriented for iSeries developers.
WDSC has support for editing various types of files...
- RPG (including variations of the language like RPG II, RPG III, RPG IV, RPG/Free, SQLRPG and SQLRPGLE).
- CL
- Java
Additionally, it contains...
- An interactive debugger
- Websphere application server managment tools
Some troubleshooting tips: WDSCi troubleshooting
WDSC supports a similar plug-in mechanism to Eclipse, with some modifications to support the RSE.
A number of vendors have plug-in's for their specific product, and there are some open-source plug-in's available.
In general, most plug-in's designed for Eclipse 3.0 will work fine in WDSC.