400 Newsletters

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Intention here is to start a reference directory to various computer publications.

The computer world is moving from dead tree publications (I miss Datamation and IBM Manuals) to on-line editions, with some organizations having both the good old reference stuff, and on-line editions, some having one but not the other. Many successful 400 publications have branched out into other services that we might associate with different kinds of places.

IBM i Publishers

Magazines and Newsletters, in print, on-line


  • [1] iSeries in the news
  • eServer Magazine comes with an edition for each type of Series
  • Linux Line [2] biweekly
  • SHARE's Data Center Briefing [www.dbta.com/datacenter/


i Series Network

Formerly News/400. this place has a wealth of articles and forums. http://www.iseriesnetwork.com/

IT Jungle

formerly Midrange Server


http://www.itjungle.com/newsletters.html http://www.itjungle.com/400forums/index.php

  • The Four Hundred is edited by Timothy Prickett Morgan to track IBM, its OS/400 platform, third party products, and other events of significance for the OS/400 community. http://www.itjungle.com/tfh/tfhindex.html
  • Four Hundred Stuff, formerly known as Midrange Stuff, OS/400 Edition, is edited by Alex Woodie with various contributing editors It focuses on new hardware, software, and services products in the iSeries and AS/400 marketplace, featuring case studies, product spotlights, and vendor profiles.

MC Press

or Midrange Computing

http://www.mcpressonline.com/ have lots of news and MCPressOnline Forums

Search 400


This place has news and tips about

  • 400
  • IBM
  • Computer industry
  • Evolving Gov regulations
  • e-mail 400 newsletters

Tips Techniques & Downloads

AS/400 Pros


CNY400UG Tips & News

Central New York 400 User Group has many links to news and tips about the 400


Computer Resources other than 400