WDSC tips

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Revision as of 04:07, 19 March 2008 by FKOL (talk | contribs) (Setup tip)
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This is a dump of tips gathered from the WDSCI-L list. The tips are split up into sub-pages.

To see the tips please click on a link below.


 Editor Commands
 WDSCi vs SEU F15=Browse options
 Position my cursor to where I need to key additional data. (On IBM rqmts list)
 Do I have to use the mouse to copy lines from one member to another?
 How can I copy field names in to the member? (On IBM rqmts list)
 Can I condition page ups and downs by cursor position?
 Do I have to continually save my work?
 Auto Marking Changes to the Source
 How do I shift a block of text left/right?
 Vertical line in WDSCI editor
 Prevent Enter generating a new line
 To Print RPG Indented Source
 To show dates for source lines:
 See SQL HOST variables in OUTLINE view. (is not possible)
 Downloading source to PC to work offline
 Fast Open another Source
 Record/Playback for Signature marks
 Field Exit
 Automatic structure completion
 Enter Key not Working


RPG source was not being saved
Error-messages are still showing in the edit view
SQLRPGLE Compiles how to find Compile errors
Within RSE, how to compile Interactively versus Batch
Custom Compile Commands


Scan for a date when source lines were changed (like F14 in SEU)
Find Tips
Find Field usage (for SQL where OUTLINE doesnt work)


Debug and SEP Service entry prints
Clear Breakpoints
Field Values
Debug Breakpoints not breaking
Debug a crashed Job


User Actions
What are Profiles and Filter Pools for
Remap Keyboard Shortcuts
Other Language Setup (Japanese)
Error Installing WDSC 7


RSEF1002E Error
Easy Source Upload
The outline view of the RPG (or other) program doesn't show the fields TEXT.
List libs, objects, members, etc with descriptions?
SQL result set only contains 50 rows
I have these strange square symbols in my code.
Run a program on your PC
Where can I find a list of enhancements in V7?
How do you work through learning the functionality of this application?

External links

The official WDSC web page [1]

The WDSC Developer blog [2]

WDSC tags on del.ici.ous [3]
