Performance Tuning
This is one of the things you might look at while trouble shooting Degradation, but in fact ought to check periodically, to avoid a problem developing and not being spotted. Doubtless someone may update this article to reflect improvements in IBM eServers in later models. The reality of what is needed will vary greatly by what you have on your 400 hardware, in terms of system load, and which version of OS/400 or i5/OS.
Al Mac has similar notes at work in FIXTUNING, an SEU "document." Some of the terminology used by Al Mac may not be the correct stuff ... instead sometimes Al Mac has assigned names to a technique learned, or figured out outside formal 400 education, and not known what name would be better.
Brain Overload
This is a collection of complicated topics that can take a while to wrap our mind around and thoroughly "Grok", so pick one area, study it, leave the others alone, until ready to move on to something else.
Pre Requisites
What prior knowledge of the 400 is is smart for you to have some of, to help you swim in these waters?