Emulator configured for 27x132
From MidrangeWiki
It's easy to check to see if a user's session is configured to support 27x132 columns. Below is an example program you can call prior to running a program that uses 27x132. If the answer come's back 'N', then don't start the 27x132 program.
h dftactgrp(*NO) actgrp(*NEW) option(*SRCSTMT) fCF005RP cf e workstn d CanDisplayHandle132Columns... d pr extpgm('CF005R') d answer 1a d QsnQryModSup pr 10i 0 extProc('QsnQryModSup') d mode 1a const d modeAllowed 1a options(*OMIT) d llhandle 10i 0 const options(*OMIT) d error 16a options(*varsize:*OMIT) d DS4_MODE c '4' d MODE_ALLOWED C 1 // Begin MAINLINE // following PI replaces *ENTRY PLIST d CanDisplayHandle132Columns... d pi d answer 1a /free answer = 'Y'; if (QsnQryModSup(DS4_MODE:*OMIT:*OMIT:*OMIT) <> MODE_ALLOWED); answer = 'N'; exfmt message; endif; *INLR = *ON; return; /end-free
The screen CF005RP can contain a message with instructions on how to reconfigure your emulator along with the phone number for your helpdesk.
A*%%TS DD 20071203 134903 XXXXXXXX REL-V5.0.1 WDSc A*%%FD Can Display Handle 132 Columns A*%%EC A DSPSIZ(27 132 *DS4 24 80 *DS3) A R MESSAGE A*%%TS DD 20071203 134903 XXXXXXXX REL-V5.0.1 WDSc A 1 10'**********************************- A ***************************' A 2 14'Attention --- Attention --- Attent- A ion --- Attention ' A 2 70'*' A 2 10'*' A 3 10'**********************************- A ***************************' A 5 4'The program you are attempting to - A run requires a 27x132 screen size.' A 6 1'Your emulation session is not curr- A ently configured to allow this.' A 7 1'To correct this, follow these step- A s:' A 9 2'1) Print this screen out' A 10 2'2) Press enter to exit this messag- A e' A 11 2'3) Signoff your currect session' A 12 2'4) Select "Communicataion-->Discon- A nect" on the PowerTerm menu bar' A 13 2'5) Click YES on the PowerTerm clos- A e session dialog box that pops up' A 14 2'6) Select "Communication-->Connect- A " on the PowerTerm menu bar' A 15 2'7) In the Connect dialog box, make- A sure that "Terminal ID" has' A 16 7'"3477-FC (27x132)" selected.' A 17 2'8) Click Connect' A 18 2'9) Click "File-->Save" on the Powe- A rTerm menu bar' A 19 1'10) Signon normally' A 21 5'You should only have to follow the- A se steps once per concurent session' A 23 14'Contact HOTLINE if you have questi- A ons.' A*%%GP SCREEN1 01