EGL is IBM Rational's Enterprise Generation Language. This is a web application code generation environment.
EGL is currently an extension to either Rational Application Developer, or WDSC. You'd use RAD if you were a web developer not wanting a System i - oriented IDE like WDSC. WDSC contains some of the elements of RAD. The packaging for EGL is reported (Jan 2008) to be about to change.
External links
- DeveloperWorks Rational EGL home
- Rational Business Developer Extension for WDSC home
- Rational Business Developer Extension 60 day trial download.
- Wizards That Work
- The Business of EGL
- The following midrange archive link provides information to watch out for if you are installing RBDe on RAD7 when WDSC7 also exists on the same machine: [1]
- Here is the email response I received from IBM as it relates to the above issue that links to the archives. There was another thread started that had a similar problem which is why I am posting IBM's exact response. If somebody could clean this up in wiki style that would be great.
Here's the situation: (1) You started with WDSC (Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries) (2) You then installed RAD 7.0 (3) Lastly, you then attempted to install RBDe 7.x
The actual relevant error is:
>>>>>>> 152 ERROR 00:28.21 Error expanding installation packages In installation context "": No included version of component "" meets all tolerances Version 7.1.120.v200709171543 does not satisfy require tolerance [7.0.0,7.1.0) in component "" Version 7.0.0.v200611151730 does not satisfy require tolerance [7.1.0,8.0.0) in component ""
153 ERROR 00:28.21 Installing IBM® Rational® Business Developer Extension 7.0.0 is not allowed; it is not compatible with IBM® WebSphere® Development Studio Client for iSeries® >>>>>>>
And that tells the story : WDSC/iSeries is NOT compatible ith RBDe.
Just found this out today:
Now, what you can do is install RAD 7 into another (totally different) "package group" via your IM, then install the RBDe into that "package group" ; I would strongly suggest that the "shared" directory NOT be the same one used for the "package group" used for the the WDSC installation.
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