Character to number

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Sometimes it's necessary to extract a number from inside a string. Since RPG is strongly typed, that requires a data type conversion of some kind. There are several general mechanisms commonly used for this.

  • Fixed-format's MOVE operation code
  • One of the C library's conversion functions like atof()
  • An RPG BIF (if at a recent enough version of IBM i)
  • An RPG procedure to extract the numeric value

C function

To use one of the C functions, write a prototype and call it. A typical use is

D CvtDec          PR             8F    ExtProc('atof')
D                                 *    Options(*String) Value

C                   Eval(h)   MyDecField = CvtDec(MyCharField)

Note that floating point is by its nature imprecise. atoi() is another possibility. Note that the format of the numeric value inside the string might preclude this from working out.

RPG built-in function

%dec and %dech can do type conversions if on a recent enough version of IBM i (V5R3+). Note that the format of the numeric value inside the string might preclude this from working out.

RPG procedure to extract a numeric value from a character

IBM's Barbara Morris (Toronto Labs) has kindly donated some code to the public domain that will extract a numeric value from a character string.


      * Copy prototype for procedure getNum

      * getNum - see GETNUM_PR for details
     p getNum          b                   export
     D getNum          pi            30p 9
     D  string                      100a   const varying
     D  decCommaParm                  2a   const options(*nopass)
     D  curSymParm                    1a   const options(*nopass)

      * defaults for optional parameters
     D decComma        s              2a   inz('.,')
     D cursym          s              1a   inz(' ')

     D result          s             30s 9 inz(0)

     D sign            s              1a   inz('+')
     D i               s             10i 0
     D len             s             10i 0
     D c               s              1a

      * override defaults if optional parameters were passed
     C                   if        %parms > 1
     C                   eval      decComma = decCommaParm
     C                   endif

     C                   if        %parms > 2
     C                   eval      cursym = cursymParm
     C                   endif

      * call getNumAny to do the work
     C                   callp     getNumAny (string
     C                                      : %addr(result)
     C                                      : %len(result)
     C                                      : %decpos(result)
     C                                      : decComma
     C                                      : curSym)

     C                   return    result
     p getNum          e

      * getNumAny
     p getNumAny       b                   export
     D getNumAny       pi
     D  string                      100a   const varying
     D  result                         *   const
     D  digits                       10i 0 const
     D  decimals                     10i 0 const
     D  decComma                      2a   const options(*nopass)
     D  currency                      1a   const options(*nopass)

      * defaults for optional parameters
     D decPoint        s              1a   inz('.')
     D comma           s              1a   inz(',')
     D cursym          s              1a   inz(' ')
      * structure for building result
     D resChars        s             30a   based(result)
      * variables for gathering digit information
      * pNumPart points to the area currently being gathered
      * (the integer part or the decimal part)
     D pNumPart        s               *
     D numPart         s             30a   varying based(pNumPart)
     D intPart         s             30a   varying inz('')
     D decPart         s             30a   varying inz('')
      * other variables
     D intStart        s             10i 0
     D decStart        s             10i 0
     D signByte        s              1a   based(pSignByte)
     D sign            s              1a   inz('+')
     D i               s             10i 0
     D len             s             10i 0
     D c               s              1a

      * override defaults if optional parameters were passed
     C                   if        %parms > 4
     C                   eval      decPoint = %subst(decComma : 1 : 1)
     C                   eval      comma    = %subst(decComma : 2 :1)
     C                   endif

     C                   if        %parms > 5
     C                   eval      cursym = currency
     C                   endif

      * initialization
     C                   eval      len = %len(string)
      * begin reading the integer part
     C                   eval      pNumPart = %addr(intPart)

      * loop through characters
     C                   do        len           i
     C                   eval      c = %subst(string : i : 1)

     C                   select
      * ignore blanks, digit separator, currency symbol
     C                   when      c = comma or c = *blank or c = cursym
     C                   iter
      * decimal point: switch to reading the decimal part
     C                   when      c = decPoint
     C                   eval      pNumPart = %addr(decPart)
     C                   iter
      * sign: remember the most recent sign
     C                   when      c = '+' or c = '-'
     C                   eval      sign = c
     C                   iter
      * more signs: cr, CR, () are all negative signs
     C                   when      c = 'C' or c = 'R' or
     C                             c = 'c' or c = 'r' or
     C                             c = '(' or c = ')'
     C                   eval      sign = '-'
     C                   iter
      * a digit: add it to the current build area
     C                   other
     C                   eval      numPart = numPart + c

     C                   endsl
     C                   enddo

      * make sure that there is no overflow
     C                   if        %len(decPart) > decimals
     C                             or %len(decPart) + %len(intPart) > digits
      * Force an overflow exception
     C                   z-add     *hival        overflowSrc       5 0
     C                   z-add     0             overflowTgt       4 0
     C                   eval      overflowTgt = overflowSrc
     C                   endif

      * initialize the result to all zeros
     C                   eval      %subst(resChars : 1 : digits) = *zeros
      * copy the digit strings into the correct positions in the
      * zoned variable, using the character overlay
     C                   eval      decStart = digits - decimals + 1
     C                   eval      intStart = decStart - %len(intPart)
     C                   eval      %subst(resChars
     C                                  : intStart
     C                                  : %len(intPart))
     C                               = intPart
     C                   eval      %subst(resChars
     C                                  : decStart
     C                                  : %len(decPart))
     C                               = decPart

      * if the sign is negative, make the result negative
     C                   if        sign = '-'

     C                   eval      pSignByte = %addr(resChars) + digits - 1
      * Change the sign zone from x'f' to x'd' (b'1111' to b'1101')
      * using a mask of x'2' (b'0010')
     C                   bitoff    X'20'         signByte

     C                   endif

     p getNumAny       e
      * Prototype file
     D getNum          pr            30p 9
     D  string                      100a   const varying
     D  decComma                      2a   const options(*nopass)
     D  currency                      1a   const options(*nopass)

     D getNumAny       pr
     D  string                      100a   const varying
     D  result                         *   const
     D  digits                       10i 0 const
     D  decimals                     10i 0 const
     D  decComma                      2a   const options(*nopass)
     D  currency                      1a   const options(*nopass)  

      * getNum - procedure to read a number from a string           
      *          and return a 30p 9 value                           
      * Parameters:                                                 
      *   I:      string   - character value of number              
      *   I:(opt) decComma - decimal point and digit separator      
      *   I:(opt) currency - currency symbol for monetary amounts   
      * Returns:  packed(30,9)                                      
      * Parameter details:                                          
      *   string:   the string may have                             
      *             - blanks anywhere                               
      *             - sign anywhere                                 
      *               accepted signs are: + - cr CR ()              
      *               (see examples below)                          
      *             - digit separators anywhere                     
      *             - currency symbol anywhere                      
      *   decComma: if not passed, this defaults to                 
      *                 decimal point   = '.'                       
      *                 digit separator = ','                       
      *   currency: if not passed, defaults to ' '                  
      * Examples of input and output (x means parm not passed):     
      *        string         | dec | sep | cursym |   result      
      *        ---------------+-----+-----+--------+------------   
      *          123          | x   | x   | x      |   123         
      *          +123         | x   | x   | x      |   123         
      *          123+         | x   | x   | x      |   123         
      *          -123         | x   | x   | x      |   -123        
      *          123-         | x   | x   | x      |   -123        
      *          (123)        | x   | x   | x      |   -123        
      *          12,3         | ,   | .   | x      |   12.3        
      *          12.3         | x   | x   | x      |   12.3        
      *          1,234,567.3  | x   | x   | x      |   1234567.3   
      *          $1,234,567.3 | .   | ,   | $      |   1234567.3   
      *          $1.234.567,3 | ,   | .   | $      |   1234567.3   
      *          123.45CR     | x   | x   | x      |   -123.45     
      * Author: Barbara Morris, IBM Toronto Lab                    
      * Date:   March, 2000                                        

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