Geek Code
From MidrangeWiki
iSeries Geek Code
The following is the unofficial iSeries extension to "Geek Code" created by Robert Hayden.
- OS400++++: I am Frank Soltis
- OS400+++ : I think in MI. I communicate to all external processes through message queue entries. I am totally system state.
- OS400++ : Complete mastery of all thing OS/400. I keep my checkbook register in a User Space in the QTEMP library for SCPF.
- OS400+ : Work Management, Database, Communications, and Security all in one. I can really make this box Rock!!!
- OS400: We run all our business on this machine. The company needs me.
- OS400- : I don't know much about that box. It just sits there and runs and I try not to mess with it.
- OS400-- : I used to work on an IBM midrange. Don't you have to type STRS36ENV to make everything work?
- OS400---: Isn't OS/400 just another version of AIX?
- OS400----: I am Bill Gates
- RPG++++ : I am Barbara Morris
- RPG+++ : I am Jon Paris or Susan Gatner
- RPG++ : I'm comfortable with activation groups
- RPG+ : Procedures are my friend
- RPG : That new EVAL statement is cool
- RPG- : RPG IV? What's that?
- RPG-- : RPG III is the only thing I want to know
- RPG--- : Nobody needs anything more than RPG II
- RPG---- : How do you spell RPG?
- MI++++ : I am Leif Svalgaard
- MI+++: I am Phil Hall
- MI++ : I've hacked together a few MI routines and they worked
- MI+ : I've hacked together a few MI routines and they crashed my system.
- MI : MI is an interesting concept, but I really don't have any use for it.
- MI- : Why would anyone want to write machine specific code?
- MI-- : MI is evil, keep it away from me.
System Values
- SV+++ : I am Al Barsa
- SV++ : I know most of the system values off the top of my head
- SV+ : I know most of the important system values off the top of my head
- SV : I can find the system values I need to change when necessary
- SV- : I need to lookup system values in order to change them
- SV--: I let someone else deal with system values
- SV---: What's a system value?
- JAVA++++: I am Blair Wyman
- JAVA+++ : I am Joe Pluta
- JAVA++ : My programs invoke Java from within RPG
- JAVA+ : I'm comfortable using JT400
- JAVA: Java is a cool language, fun to program, but shouldn't be used where it's not a good fit.
- JAVA- : I'm waiting for Java to stabilize
- JAVA--: I hate Java, Java is new, Java is different, Java is evil
- JAVA---: Leave me be with my RPG II code!
- DB2++++: I am John Sears
- DB2+++: I understand triggers, constraints, and stored procedures
- DB2++: My database is fairly normalized
- DB2+: I use SQL in my programs
- DB2: I don't worry about the database ... it just works
- DB2-: I have database files with hundreds of join logical files built over them (even though they are just used once a year)
- DB2--: All my files are internally defined
- DB2---: I don't trust databases ... I store all my data in a flat file. Oh yeah, backup's are for wimps.
User Groups
- UG++++: I am Don Rima
- UG+++ : I present at COMMON on a regular basis
- UG++ : I attend COMMON on a regular basis
- UG+ : I attend a local user group meeting on a regular basis
- UG: I attend a local user group meeting when they have an interesting topic
- UG-: I don't attend very many user group meetings
- UG--: My boss doesn't let me attend user group meetings
- UG---: What's a user group? My company doesn't believe in educating programmers. We still multiply dates by 10000.01.
- COM++++: I helped form COMMON around a kitchen table in Chicago in the 1960's
- COM+++ : I am a present or former COMMON Board Member. I volunteer for everything and stay awake from Sunday morning until Thursday night two weeks out of the year.
- COM++ : I wear 5 or more ribbons, give 8 or more sessions, and have won 3 speaking awards. I haven't missed a COMMON in years.
- COM+ : Look! I got a red star!! This fall I'm going to present another session!
- COM : I go to COMMON, I learn what I need to, I take it back to my work.
- COM- : Im there just for the Expo. My flight home is Tuesday at 2:00pm
- COM-- : There are sessions during the day??? I spent all day Monday and Tuesday recovering from my CUDS hangover.
- COM--- : Yeah, I went to a COMMON once. Didn't understand what they were all talking about. Saw one good session about Van Gogh, though.
- COM---- : What's COMMON? My company doesn't believe in educating programmers. We still multiply dates by 10000.01.
- SEC++++: I'm at Level 50, Group Profiles, Exit Programs & full auditing
- SEC +++ : I run Level 40 and Exit programs.
- SEC++ : I've created the QAUDJRN
- SEC+ : We've done a little bit of object level authority
- SEC: What's wrong with Level 30?
- SEC- : I don't load ODBC drivers on users PCs
- SEC-- : We just use Menu Security
- SEC--- : I trust my users, they wouldn't break anything.
- SEC---- : Everybody has *ALLOBJ so I don't get security complaints
- REL++++: I am an iSeries with a High Availability solution
- REL+++ : I am an iSeries.
- REL++ : Big Iron baby! OS390 rules!!!
- REL+ : We're still running our old Stratus, parts are a little hard to find though.
- REL: We run AIX, nothin' wrong with that.
- REL- : Linux on Intel. Sometimes you just gotta boot the box.
- REL-- : With Win2K, my PC locks up less than once a week.
- REL--- : I like adventure, I'm helping Microsoft debug WinXP
- REL---- : Ya know, one of these days I'm going to get Win 3.1 and Client access to co-exist on this 386 machine!
- UPG+++: I lost power during an upgrade once ... but the system recovered nicely
- UPG++: My upgrades have always gone smooth as silk, no problems at all.
- Need ideas
- UPG----: I am Joe Pluta
- L++++ : I am Linus Torvalds
- L+++ : I have multiple linux LPAR's running on my system along side native OS400
- L++ : I use Linux as my primary operating system ... I use TN5250 to logon to the iSeries
- L+ : I prefer Linux to Windows
- L : I'm comfortable with Linux but use Windows for my primary development environment
- L- : Linux is a OK, but not really that applicable to my enviornment
- L-- : Linux is a fad
- L--- : I hate linux with a passion ... long live .NET!
- L---- : I am Bill Gates
- WDSC++++ : I am Violaine Batthish, Don Yantzi, or Claus Weiss.
- WDSC+++ : I am Joe Pluta
- WDSC++ : I use WDSC as my primary development environment for multiple languages, I haven't touched a green screen in years.
- WDSC+ : I use WDSC mostly, but occasionally have to use SEU.
- WDSC : I use WDSC occasionally ... it's pretty slow on my PC, so I can't depend on it. If I need to get something done fast, I use SEU.
- WDSC- : My PC can only barely handle WDSC.
- WDSC-- : I can't get my Business Partner to send me the CD's.
- WDSC--- : Who needs a fancy shmancy graphical IDE? SEU should be fine for everyone.
- Security, Reliability, & Common: John Earl
- OS400: David Gibbs & John Earl
- And the rest: David Gibbs
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