From MidrangeWiki
iSphere is the name of an RDi plug-in project that offers the following features:
- Message File Editor for editing message file descriptions within a message file.
- Binding Directory Editor for editing binding directory entries within a binding directory.
- Compare/Merge Editor for comparing/merging source physical file members.
- An extremely fast search feature for searching source files. Searching a member filter in the Remote Systems Explorer with iSphere Source File Search is about 60 times faster than searching with the original RSE Search.
- An extremely fast search feature for searching message files.
- A spooled file subsystem with the ability to open spooled files in Text, HTML and PDF format.
- LPEX Task Tags for marking positions in your source like TODO, FIXME ...
- Decorators for objects in the RSE tree view
- RSE Filter Management to export/import a single filter or all filters to a/ from a repository
- Data Area Editor
- User Space Editor
- Data Area Monitor/Viewer
- User Space Monitor/Viewer
- Data Queue Monitor/Viewer
iSphere is hosted at
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