Backup Save Restore
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[hide]Stuff we might want to Backup
- OS/400 IBM System Resources
- Application Software
- Libraries
- Data Files
- Spooled Reports
We can save and restore
- Without buying 3rd party stuff
- What comes native with OS/400 support
400 objects have both external definition, and data contents, both of which get saved.
- External definition also includes a variety of statistics and description that get saved
Save and Restore
- Single object in a library, all its members
- Group of objects by generic name
- Group of objects by generic name and object type
- An entire library
- Only the changed objects in a library
- OS/400 system stuff like user profiles and device configuration
- All libraries other than system stuff
Need 3rd party stuff
- Unless we are running GO SAVE 21 everything, there is some system information that cannot be saved
- needs SAVSTG save storage command
- We cannot save damaged objects
- We cannot save objects that are in use for update
- unless SAVACT function used
- advise thorough testing ... for example do we have enough disk space for this approach?
- Save while active is described in Tech Note N1015711
- We cannot save spooled file reports (5.3 and earlier?)
- We can copy from report to a data base file then save that
- We cannot save output contents of Queues (5.3 and earlier?)
- Archive Spool Files
- Archive application files based on some cut-off criteria
Backup Save References
- We can designate which libraries to be backed up daily, weekly, monthly, never
- Operations Navigator works with this approach.
- There is no way to backup entire system, like GO SAVE 21, using Operations Navigator
This saves everything that can be saved
- including everything included with
- 22 and 23
- Each of the ingredients listed for GO SAVE 22 and 23 have commands supporting individual save / restore
- This saves system info only
- OS/400 itself
- Security stuff
- Configurations
- IBM Libraries with no user data
- It does NOT save the stuff of GO SAVE 23
- Except for
- Security stuff
- Configurations
- This saves user data
- Security stuff
- Configurations
- IBM libraries with user data
- Documents and Folders
- Distribution Objects
- User Objects in Directories
- It does NOT save the stuff of GO SAVE 22
- Except for
- Security stuff
- Configurations
Initialize tape for some backup or save.
Restore References
- Options here mirror those on GO SAVE
- We can restore stuff picemeal from a GO SAVE 21 or lesser save
Restore Gotchas
Restore Libraries alphabetically
- Let's suppose you have physical files in one library called GOODSTUFF
- Let's suppose you have logical access to the GOODSTUFF files located in another library called GETGOODIES
- Let's suppose you need to restore several libraries including GOODSTUFF and GETGOODIES
- OS/400 restores libraries in ALPHABETICAL SEQUENCE
- (unless you restoring 100% or
- doing libraries one at a time where you specify which one each time)
- which means it will try to restore GETGOODIES before GOODSTUFF
- but if the physical file that a logical accesses is not on disk at time you try to restore the logical, you will not recover that from the backup
- Lesson or Moral of the story ... if you need to store logicals in a library of different name than that of the physical ... it might be smart to use a name alphabetically after that of the library with the physical.
- If you delete an object, we also have deleted the associated security rules
- 400 can't have security rules for non-existent objects
Other Availability Recovery Topics
Managing Backup Performance
- OS/400 stores statistics on backup media volumes which we can access via STRSST
Managing Performance of what's on Disk
Security Considerations
- Who knows passwords to Master Security?
- such as STRSST System Security Tools
- What happens if that person gets hit by a truck, or other accident removes them from the picture?
- Let's suppose, thanks to human error, the master security signon gets messed up, and no one can sign on with it. What now?
- Do you know where the KEY is to your 400 hardware?
- Do you know where the BACKUP key is?
UPS Power Protection
- Do you check Power Protection periodically, so when the battery dies of old age, that is no surprise to you ?
- When it was originally hooked up, was it tested to make sure it was hooked up correctly, so when you need it, because of loss of public utility power, it does protect you?
- If folks do power down / up the same way 99% of the time, do y"all remember how to work the CPU control panel?
ASP Auxilliary Storage Pools
Commitment Control
Protecting Hard Disk Contents
Checksum Protection
Mirrored Protection
RAID-5 Device Parity Protection
Note: If possible, start device parity protection before adding disk units to a disk pool. This significantly reduces the time it takes to start device parity and configure the disk units. [1]
SMAPP System Managed Access Path Protection
Disaster Recovery
- Let's suppose your hardware goes kaput, due to a physical disaster ... fire, weather, plane crashes into your building, terrorism, someone goes postal, etc.
- You have your OFF SITE backups right?
- You have a directory of all the stuff on your 400, right?
- You know where to find a "hot site" to which you can restore your backups right?
- You can find phone #s of vendors that sold your 400 stuff, right?
- You know which stuff needs a software key to run it on the CPU serial # of the replacement box, right?