V6R1 Compatibility

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V6R1 Compatibility

This page has an unofficial list of third party products and their compatibility status regarding V6R1. To check your system, run ANZOBJCVN.

Vendors: If your product is already V6R1 compatible, or you have committed to providing a V6R1 compatible version of your product, please be sure to add your product to the Compatible section.

Developers/end-users: There is no simple way to know what products are installed on your System i. GO LICPGM does not necessarily show you that a product like DBU is installed. Below is a list of libraries containing unconvertable objects. Please help identify the product that belongs to these libraries so we can start tracking vendors down!


The following products are either known to be compatible with V6R1 or the vendor has committed to providing a V6R1 compatible version by V6R1 GA (March 21, 2008).


The following products are known to be in-compatible with V6R1.

Product Version Library As-of i5/OS version of ANZOBJCVN
WRKDBF V10.11.04 WRKDBF 2008-02-28 V5R4


The status of the following products is unknown.

List of libraries with unconvertable objects

(as reported by ANZOBJCVN) If any of these get confirmed, please add them to the above tables of supported or not supported. Thanks!

Library Product Vendor As-of i5/OS version of ANZOBJCVN
@CVTRPG CVTRPGIV ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
ABSTRACT Abstract Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
ACOM Acom 2008-02-28 V5R4
ALLDTA200 Alliance Patrick Townsend 2008-02-28 V5R4
ALLFTM100 Alliance Patrick Townsend 2008-02-28 V5R4
ALLFTP130 Alliance Patrick Townsend 2008-02-28 V5R4
ALLMON100 Alliance Patrick Townsend 2008-02-28 V5R4
ASCSUPPORT Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
CURBSTONE Curbstone 2008-02-28 V5R4
CVTRPG CVTRPGIV ProData 2008-08-20 V5R4
DBU60 DBU V6 ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
DBU70 DBU V7 ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
DILIB Document Integrator Seacrest Business Systems [1] 2008-02-28 V5R4
DSMLIB Diagnose Source Member ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
ESEND Esend Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
HELPNETLIB Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
PDSQL30 SQL/Pro ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
RBTSYSLIB Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
ROBOTLIB Help/Systems 2008-02-28 V5R4
SMZ6 CodeScope Raz-Lee 2008-02-28 V5R4
SQLPRO SQL/Pro ProData 2008-02-28 V5R4
TOTALLIB TOTAL400-DU 8.71R Adeonics 2008-02-28 V5R4
XL_CATAPLT Catapult BCD Software 2008-02-28 V5R4

External Links


  1. Seacrest Business Systems ceased supporting Document Integrator as of 1 May 2008


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