From MidrangeWiki
[hide]Defining Jobs
- Jobs are chunks of Work done on the 400.
- Jobs are basic units of work on the 400.
Job Names
- Each job has a unique name
- A job name has 3 parts
- Job Number
- User Name
- Job Name
We need to know the individual naming ingredients when using Green Screen Commands to access info about particular Jobs.
Types of Jobs
- Each job requires some system resources from a pool that is made available.
- Consider reports that a job creates.
- There is baggage associated with keeping track of those reports, so until reports have been deleted from the system, there are resources consumed to manage the output from the jobs.
- DSPJOBTBL to check on those resources and see if we need more added to lower risk of Degradation.
System Jobs
- System jobs begin with the letter Q.
Spooling Jobs
- System provided print programs (writers).
- Start = Start Writer Command
- End = End Writer Command
User Jobs
- View jobs with WRKUSRJOB
- Can specify user, JOBQ, Batch, etc.
- View active jobs with WRKACTJOB
- This does not include discontinued jobs
- This does not include jobs waiting to run from JOBQ
- View jobs with Operations Navigator
- Interactive jobs usually start when a user signs onto work station display of Green Screen, and end when the user signs off the work station.
- Start = Sign on
- End = Sign off
- Each time user signs on, that is a new job
- Output from interactive jobs can end up in OUTQ
- Interactive programs are launched via CALL a program
- View interactive jobs with WRKSBSJOB QINTER
- This includes active jobs
- This includes discontinued jobs
- Batch jobs are normally run by submitting requests for processing of data by programs that do not need to interact with the user.
- These requests go into a JOBQ to run as system resources are available.
- Start = Placed on JOBQ
- End = EOJ End of Job
- As soon as job is on JOBQ it has its own unique job identification.
- View jobs waiting on JOBQ with
- WRKSBMJOB = just those that YOU submitted
- Operations Navigator
- Communication jobs are started by a request, over a telephone line, by another system.
- Start = Request from Remote System
- End = Same as batch or interactive
- Typically Autostart jobs are launched with the start of some subsystem to handle housekeeping chores associated with the function of that subsystem.
- Start = Start subsystem
- End = EOJ End of Job
Job output to OUTQ
- Stuff can go to spool file from a variety of types of system and user jobs, where we can
- move it around,
- release to print,
- change print criteria,
- delete it,
- drag & drop (with Operations Navigator into some PC application.
- From OUTQ it goes to WITER then Printer
- View reports with